You can manage the format of the time left of the fly.
time-format:year:"y"day:"d"hour:"h"minute:"m"second:"s"#to disable the format, you just have to put : second ""unlimited:"unlimited"#go to permissions to see how to set this
time-format:year:""#disabledday:""#disabledhour:"h"#enabledminute:"m"#enabledsecond:""#disabledunlimited:"unlimited"#go to permissions to see how to set this
For this example , the plugin will show only the time left in hours and minutes. (Ex: 40h 21m)
You can also change the way the plugin specifies minutes. In what you've seen, I've put ‘m’ for minutes...
You can of course use ‘minutes’.
time-format:year:"years"day:"days"hour:"hours"minute:"minutes"second:"seconds"unlimited:"unlimited"#go to permissions to see how to set this