## #
# Documentation : https://app.gitbook.com/o/ew6PbMsQsqKjVC6kUf22/s/wnts7HZ5JI6Nxy4VSXbq/ #
# #
# NOTE : If you are using spigot server, you can't use Minimessage, you must use HexaDecimals format
# Example : #FFC77AHello!
version: ''
save-database-delay: 60 # in seconds
#see docs for more info
fly-decrement-method: PLAYER_FLY_MODE
seconds: true
minutes: false
hours: true
days: true
unlimited: "Unlimited" #need permission wfly.infinite.fly
auto-format: true
enabled: true
value: "#FFC77A0seconds"
format: "#FFC77A%seconds%#FF9D00%seconds_suffixe%#FFC77A%minutes%#FF9D00%minutes_suffixe% #FFC77A%hours%#FF9D00%hours_suffixe% #FFC77A%days%#FF9D00%days_suffixe%"
seconds_suffixe: "seconds"
minutes_suffixe: "minutes"
hours_suffixe: "hours"
days_suffixe: "days"
#mean if condition is valid, players will can't activate her fly
not-authorized: # refer if matched, player can't fly
placeholder: "%multiverse_world_alias%"
equals: "world" #player can't fly in this world
command: "playsound minecraft:entity.enderman.teleport ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 51000" #optional
authorized: # refer if matched, player can fly
placeholder: "%lands_land_name_plain_here%"
equals: "%lands_lands%" #player can fly in his lands
#NOTE : authorized section override not-authorized section
# If authorized section is true for player(just 1), player can fly
#This feature is heavily focused on faction servers
#(and if you have any ideas to make this feature more powerful, let me know on my discord)
enabled-permission-range: false
fly-disable-radius: 5
- "%lands_land_name_plain%" # For example : The plugin checks if the land name around a player is the same.
# If there are a player that return different of all player(in 10 block around), fly will disable.
#- "%otherPlaceholder%" # You can put other placeholder if needed.
You can manage the delay for saving data in database. You can set that here:
save-database-delay: 60 # in seconds
This mean, the method for plugin to decremente the fly by placeholder.
fly-decrement-method: PLAYER_FLY_MODE
Seems player will decremente his fly time when he active his fly.
Seems player will decremente his fly time when he active his fly AND his flying.
Example with Lands
enabled-permission-range: true #you can enable the features if needed
fly-disable-radius: 5
- "%lands_land_name_plain%" # For example : The plugin checks if the land name around a player is the same.
# If there are a player that return different of all player(in 10 block around), fly will disable.
#- "%otherPlaceholder%" # You can put other placeholder if needed.
The fly-disable-radius: 5 configuration refers to the minimum radius (in blocks) around a player where flying is disabled.
Here’s how it works:
If a player is within 5 blocks (as specified by fly-disable-radius: 5) of another player, flying is disabled for the first player.
Essentially, if there are players within this 5-block radius, the plugin will stop the player from flying.
If you want to increase the radius to a larger value (e.g., 10 blocks), you would set:
- "%lands_land_name_plain%" # For example : The plugin checks if the land name around a player is the same.
# If there are a player that return different of all player(in 10 block around), fly will disable.
#- "%otherPlaceholder%" # You can put other placeholder if needed.
This placeholder refers to the name of the land or area where the player is located.
The plugin checks if the land name (the area the player is in) is the same for the other players in the nearby area (within the specified radius, e.g., 5 blocks).
If another player in that radius is in a different land (different land name), then the plugin disables flying for the player. This ensures that players can't fly around in different zones unless certain conditions are met.